Whole Home Rental Packages: All Your Rental Furniture in One!

Whole-home Rental Packages: All your rental furniture in one!

Whole-home Rental Packages: All your rental furniture in one!


Are you moving into a share house with friends for the first time? Splitting the costs of furniture can be a real hassle and cause arguments before you even get the keys. What if you could rent all the basic furniture and appliances you need to get you started in your new home on a monthly basis?


Forget about multiple trips to furniture warehouses, trying to tee up utes, cash and meet-ups over local listing websites, and bickering about who is buying what! Macrae Rentals offers a moving out package for share house first timers and veterans who want to divide the costs of living without investing permanently in furniture and appliances.


Why renting is the best option for under 30s
You’re young and the world is your oyster! Perhaps you’re studying, or freelancing, or maybe you’re working hard at that hospitality job to save for a four-month Europe trip. Whatever the case, it’s likely that opportunities may arise where you will be shifting house as you move out of home, interstate for work or overseas for a new adventure.

Renting furniture and appliances can be a real lifesaver when your lifestyle is in a state of flux. Investing in furniture, only to find out four months later that you got that job on the other side of the country (go you!) can make things tricky. Transporting a house full of furniture interstate is costly. Alternatively, you could try and find someone who will buy your furniture, but getting anyone to pay close to cost price is nearly impossible!

If you’re a uni student or living in a share house, there are many advantages to renting the basic contents of your home. Here’s why…


Minimise the stress of moving
Moving is stressful enough without having the added woes of dividing furniture and appliances amongst housemates or selling them at a reasonable price. Renting your basic home contents means that if everyone is moving out, all your stuff simply goes back to the rental company. If you are the only person moving, the rental fee passes on to the person who fills your room or is covered by your remaining housemates – easy!


Axe the arguments
Have you had arguments with your housemates about whose turn it is to take out the trash, why your toothbrush keeps going missing and where all your weet-bix went? Let’s face it, the probability of clashing over who bought what when you move is high. Avoid this unnecessary bickering by renting your furniture so that all playing fields are even upon relocating. After all, it’s the end of the era! You want to be celebrating the good times upon moving out, not having heated discussions about who bought the legs for the coffee table!

Convinced that renting your essential home contents is the best idea? If you and your mates purchase Macrae’s moving out package you’ll get:

  • 220L refrigerator
  • 5.5 kg washer
  • Lounge
  • Dining Set
  • Television
  • Queen-size bed plus 2 bed side tables.
  • and we’ll throw in a microwave for free!


All this starting from $250 per month, and we offer multiple payment options to avoid the hassle of bank transfers and shared accounts. Need to add anything to your package? No worries! Contact us for more information.